Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Divine Loser [Open]

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3026
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

Divine Loser [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Divine Loser [Open]   Divine Loser [Open] EmptyTue 29 Aug 2023 - 19:33


It was a long and tiring hunting patrol that Larkpaw had been out with since dawn. He was exhausted and hungry, but would not dare eat any catch before they return to the camp. He needed a rest, though, and so he told his group he was going to get a drink from the river, and went to do just that. He arrived at the river and watched the rush of the current and the glitter of fish. Perhaps he’ll snag one and bring that back with him as well; make even his detour worthwhile for the clan.

He leaned down and lapped up some fresh water. It was refreshingly cool in this greenleaf heat. He lifted his head and let out a breath as he sat back on his haunches. Larkpaw looked across the river and realized the strange tingling in his nose was in fact the mingling of scents. He must be at the cross-border between ThunderClan and SkyClan, just across the river. He wondered if they encountered one another often. He had only met some ThunderClan cats while on a patrol with Perchstar, and that had been a rather dry encounter. Were all social niceties supposed to be quite so boring and prolonged? Perhaps that was just because of Perchstar; or, maybe, because of ThunderClan. It was possible that SkyClan cats were not quite so stuffy.
RiverClan • Apprentice • He/Him • 20 | 60 • #787878
Credits: code inspiration - 1 2 |  image 1 | image 2 | image 3

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
CrookedlightT5 SkyClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Nightstalker - Rom wuz here <3
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan Warrior
Number of posts : 1155
Gender : Unspecified | kitty says hi <3

Divine Loser [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Divine Loser [Open]   Divine Loser [Open] EmptyWed 30 Aug 2023 - 18:23

It'd prove unfortunate for Larkpaw that it was not a Skyclan cat that would soon cross his path, but another Thunderclan apprentice. This apprentice always had a fondness for heat, as well as the warmth and smoothness that the sunning rocks provided. She hadn't been an apprentice for long but had at least been shown the border that Thunderclan, Riverclan, and Skyclan now shared. And that is exactly where she went after she zonked out for a little bit at the rocks. She was starting to learn the borders and still struggled to know where some of them were, but The River was clear and distinct like the Thunderpath was. The stranger across the river, whom Crocuspaw had made the tentative decision to approach, was staring in her direction already as she made herself known. Looking down at the river between them and back to the black and white tom, she mewed, "May I?" rough in her forest speak. She didn't want to make any problems after all, and she'd hate to hurt the slender tom.

Divine Loser [Open] Dfdosgv-70e9318b-eb4f-43c6-9628-3bb18010e426.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzgyMmY1OGNhLWMyNjAtNDQzYy1iZDIyLWVhNGZiODYxMjFhOFwvZGZkb3Nndi03MGU5MzE4Yi1lYjRmLTQzYzYtOTYyOC0zYmIxODAxMGU0MjYucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0
Nightstalker Tier 5 Warrior of Shadowclan
70 HP / 160 SP
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3026
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

Divine Loser [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Divine Loser [Open]   Divine Loser [Open] EmptyThu 7 Sep 2023 - 18:22


The newcomer was unexpected, and Larkpaw lifted his chin to observe her with suspicion. She looked…different from other cats that Larkpaw had met in the forest. He couldn’t quite put his paw on what it was. It felt like instinct more than anything else. Then there was her strange speech, which felt almost accented.

“I cannot prevent cats from drinking at the river,” he replied stiffly. He watched the cat for a long moment through narrowed eyes. He then scoffed and asked arrogantly, “Is ThunderClan letting in rogues now?”
RiverClan • Apprentice • He/Him • 20 | 60 • #787878
Credits: code inspiration - 1 2 |  image 1 | image 2 | image 3

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
CrookedlightT5 SkyClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Nightstalker - Rom wuz here <3
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan Warrior
Number of posts : 1155
Gender : Unspecified | kitty says hi <3

Divine Loser [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Divine Loser [Open]   Divine Loser [Open] EmptyThu 7 Sep 2023 - 19:09

The stiffness in the she-cats shoulders dropped as the black and white tom spoke, relieving her concerns. Though before she could lean down for a drink of her own, the apprentice across from her spoke again, rudely at that. Crocuspaw was not very tolerant when her clanmates spoke to her like that on the occasion, but she was sure that her clanmates were doing it out of fear or uncertainty she hoped. "No." She answered curtly and simply, "I was born in Thunderclan." Bending down she began to lap at the cool water. It was true to her at least, she knew her dad was different, as well as Sleet and Aurelia, but they were also Thunderclan as far as she was concerned. But he didn't need to know the specifics of her parentage anyway. "Is Riverclan letting weasels in?" Crocus couldn't help but quip as she stood back up, licking her maw and leveling the black and white tom with a blank look.

Divine Loser [Open] Dfdosgv-70e9318b-eb4f-43c6-9628-3bb18010e426.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzgyMmY1OGNhLWMyNjAtNDQzYy1iZDIyLWVhNGZiODYxMjFhOFwvZGZkb3Nndi03MGU5MzE4Yi1lYjRmLTQzYzYtOTYyOC0zYmIxODAxMGU0MjYucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0
Nightstalker Tier 5 Warrior of Shadowclan
70 HP / 160 SP
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3026
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

Divine Loser [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Divine Loser [Open]   Divine Loser [Open] EmptyThu 28 Sep 2023 - 13:54


Larkpaw’s nose wrinkled at the ThunderClan cat’s terse response. It was not unwarranted given his first response, but he did not want to acknowledge that fact. He instead just turned up his nose and huffed. “You don’t need to be rude when drinking from our river.” He huffed again and shifted on the riverbed. He eyed this new she-cat, noting how while she looked strange, she also looked large and strong. All ThunderClan cats had a larger build, and this one was no exception. If they were to get into a fight, he would likely lose, so it was best to not antagonize further.

“I am Larkpaw, by the way,” he said, moving on entirely. “We are allies, so I should know your name too.”
RiverClan • Apprentice • He/Him • 20 | 60 • #787878
Credits: code inspiration - 1 2 |  image 1 | image 2 | image 3

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
CrookedlightT5 SkyClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Nightstalker - Rom wuz here <3
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan Warrior
Number of posts : 1155
Gender : Unspecified | kitty says hi <3

Divine Loser [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Divine Loser [Open]   Divine Loser [Open] EmptySun 1 Oct 2023 - 20:16

Crocuspaw gave a dismissive chuff with a shrug of her shoulders before she briefly resumed lapping at the river water for a few more heartbeats. "Nice to meet you Larkpaw." She paused as if contemplating if she should even delight him with her name in response, "My name is Crocuspaw. Mottlestar is my mentor." Okay, so she didn't need to tell him who her mentor was, but she needed him to know that she had status and she was a force to be reckoned with. If the alliance ever shattered between the two clans, then at least she would secure her prowess. She was much larger and stronger, and being trained by a leader of all cats would have them certainly thinking more than twice about taking her on. It'd give her time to learn how to fight properly, and surely save her battles just by psyching out her opponents.

Divine Loser [Open] Dfdosgv-70e9318b-eb4f-43c6-9628-3bb18010e426.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzgyMmY1OGNhLWMyNjAtNDQzYy1iZDIyLWVhNGZiODYxMjFhOFwvZGZkb3Nndi03MGU5MzE4Yi1lYjRmLTQzYzYtOTYyOC0zYmIxODAxMGU0MjYucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0
Nightstalker Tier 5 Warrior of Shadowclan
70 HP / 160 SP
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3026
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

Divine Loser [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Divine Loser [Open]   Divine Loser [Open] EmptyTue 3 Oct 2023 - 11:17


Larkpaw felt a sudden tightness in his chest when Crocuspaw mentioned her mentor. It was possible she meant nothing by it, but Larkpaw always assumed the worst, and so believed that she was trying to show off. Well that was fine. If she wants to show off, then he would in return.

“My sibling’s mentor is Perchstar. It seems we both know cats in high places,” Larkpaw replied. He wished he could say his own mentor was important, but Rowansong certainly was not. The closest he got was being the son of the deputy, but that was not as impressive as Crocuspaw actually being mentored by the leader.  “How is Mottlestar as a mentor anyway? She seems…” He tilted his head, trying to figure out how to say it. Knowing him, he’ll put his paw in his mouth no matter what. He hated that he was trying to be so conscious of his word choice lately. “…soft.”
RiverClan • Apprentice • He/Him • 20 | 60 • #787878
Credits: code inspiration - 1 2 |  image 1 | image 2 | image 3

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
CrookedlightT5 SkyClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
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Divine Loser [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Divine Loser [Open]   Divine Loser [Open] Empty

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