Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Birds of a feather ; private

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2 posters


Characters : Sleepyhollow | Echosong | Foxtrot | Fawneye | Stagpaw | Weaver
Clan/Rank : WC |TC | SkC | RC | SC
Aries Dragon
Number of posts : 682
Gender : she/her
Age : 24

Birds of a feather ; private Empty
PostSubject: Birds of a feather ; private   Birds of a feather ; private EmptyWed 19 Oct 2022 - 17:07

ooc: i hope this is alright c:

It was that time of year, the air is crisp and the skies were littered with clouds that were plump and promising rain. At this time of day, nearing evening, usually the forest would be void of sound despite the occasional roar of a passing monster. However, on this particular day a distant high-pitched voice could be heard by anyone in the immediate area. Once could joke and say they could hear him all the way in Starclan. It wasn’t a distress call - not yet anyway - it was more of a frustrated muttering. His words were spilling from his mouth like water from a freshly opened dam. The sound was hoarse and unrecognizable to anyone passing by. A fox? A badger? A two-leg device? or even an enemy clan member perhaps!

If someone were to come across him they would be able to look for a source of this strange yelling they’d first find a trail of Two-leg slime, to a Two-leg this was acrylic paint, but to a cat for all they know it was toxic waste that could potentially kill them. Should they follow the paint trail they would discover an undeniably hilarious sight. Amongst a large clump of brambles, right off the side of the Thunderpath lay a small white lump of fur. The fur was wriggling around in a particularly dense piece of brush, the goo had half dried and made it hard for him to free himself. A bird that had gotten stuck before him left behind feathers that were now stuck to the kitten. He looked like a monster, that was sure. “OWWWWW! Curse those stupid two-legs for leaving me behind. What did I do? What did I do? OW OW OW OW! What is this stuff? Danger. I hate it. You can sleep once you eat. It’s not time to eat yet. Be careful. How do I get out of here?” He muttered, half under his breath. His words to some may sound quite out of place and somewhat sophisticated. His words are borrowed, things his mother told him while growing up. He couldn’t remember much about being in a Two-leg house but he could remember words without a doubt. Especially when under duress his language became strange and dissonant compared to the average cat. Surely someone would discover him soon?
name. kiikko timezone. PST discord. anni#3655 code.kiikko

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Characters : Comfreyheart, Ploverwing, Marigoldpaw, Fernpaw, Hornetpaw, Maggot, Mushroomkit
Clan/Rank : [C] Thunderclan T5 Permaqueen [P] Skyclan T1 Warrior [M] Windclan Apprentice [F] Shadowclan Apprentice [H] Skyclan Apprentice [Mg] Outsider Kitten [Mu] Thunderclan Kitten
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 1445
Gender : he/him
Age : 15

Birds of a feather ; private Empty
PostSubject: Re: Birds of a feather ; private   Birds of a feather ; private EmptyWed 19 Oct 2022 - 23:05

The Thunderpath

Despite the rather peaceful evening, an alarmingly weird sound caught Comfreyheart’s attention like fur on thorns. As much as she wanted to ignore it and continue on with her patrol, it was simply impossible. With a sigh she crept closer to the thunderous stone path, expecting some sort of dying animal that were usually caught by the monsters that ran the track. Though to her surprise and confusion, it only grew more odd as she crept through the foliage. What is this? she asked the colorful smear on the grass, Blood? After bravely sniffing the paint she reeled back at the crow-food smell. She grew a bit anxious about whatever creature trailed such toxic blood.

But it also drew her in. Whatever new predator was roaming her woods would need to be taken care of instantly. Her expert ears found the sound of struggling amongst bramble, but more intriguingly the words of a small, upset voice. The molly hopped upon a nearby stone and strained her neck above the bushes.

What in Starclan is that? Caught in the bramble was a multicolored ball of feathery fur. What first clued Comfreyheart in that it might actually be a kitten instead of some terrible monster, was that she could mostly understand the words it spoke. Instinctively she wanted to travel closer and help the poor thing, but not before inspecting the air. If its parents were nearby, she knew she didn’t want to be caught touching their young, even if she was helping. Luckily nothing seemed to be near, just the retched stench of the Thunderpath. Comfreyheart had to take the risk. She refused to leave a kitten to fend for itself like this.

Somewhat cautiously, she padded down to the shrubs he was caught in. “Little one are you okay?” she called, her tone nothing but concerned, “Where is your family? Your clan?” Without an answer the molly had already begun tearing the brambles away before plucking him by the scruff to quickly carry him far from the rumbling path. Finding his home was second to her bigger priority, keeping him from danger.


- Plotting | Chart | Profiles -

SkC T1 Warrior
30 HP / 80 SP
WC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SkC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
T1 Rogue
20 HP / 60 SP
TC Kitten
10 HP / 30 SP

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Characters : Sleepyhollow | Echosong | Foxtrot | Fawneye | Stagpaw | Weaver
Clan/Rank : WC |TC | SkC | RC | SC
Aries Dragon
Number of posts : 682
Gender : she/her
Age : 24

Birds of a feather ; private Empty
PostSubject: Re: Birds of a feather ; private   Birds of a feather ; private EmptyWed 19 Oct 2022 - 23:43


When afraid, especially for kittens, seconds felt like hours. He stopped moving and yowling as he heard something in the distance, movement in front of him and he saw the brambles clear. Finally. A deep breath escaped his lungs and he was finally able to relax. He saw a blur of a cat, heard her say something and suddenly he felt himself float into the air. No. He wasn’t flying..there was a tightening on his scruff, he knew that feeling. He was being picked up. It was a familiar feeling. His heartrate soared and a concoction of feelings over took him, the most prominent being: anxiousness. Who was this? Why had they picked him up. Where was he being taken? Oh right they had asked a question. It took him a while to recall the words she had spoken to him over his own roaring heartbeat and internal monologue. Her voice calmed him and his once scrambling body turned limp.

Family? His family was a blur in kitten memory, and he did not yet understand the concept of object permanence. All he knew was that in the family department he was lacking. A pang of sadness ran through his body and he tried to make himself as small as he could. Maybe he could disappear if he tried hard enough. His eyes shut tight as he tried to recall what his family looked like, they were like him, white and soft with long noses and darker points on their noses, ears, tail and paws. He remembered warmth the most, the heat of the fireplace. But as quickly as he remembered, the memories slipped from his mind like tendrils of smoke in a brisk wind. He tried to reach out to them in his mind but he couldn’t. “Where is your family? I have no family. Clan. Clan. I don’t have one of those.” He spoke. His words were half muttered but loud enough to be heard. His eyes darted around his surroundings, everything was unfamiliar and confusing, he could barely focus on Comfreyheart. Although, she was the only thing keeping him from spiraling.
name. kiikko timezone. PST discord. anni#3655 code.kiikko
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Characters : Comfreyheart, Ploverwing, Marigoldpaw, Fernpaw, Hornetpaw, Maggot, Mushroomkit
Clan/Rank : [C] Thunderclan T5 Permaqueen [P] Skyclan T1 Warrior [M] Windclan Apprentice [F] Shadowclan Apprentice [H] Skyclan Apprentice [Mg] Outsider Kitten [Mu] Thunderclan Kitten
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 1445
Gender : he/him
Age : 15

Birds of a feather ; private Empty
PostSubject: Re: Birds of a feather ; private   Birds of a feather ; private EmptyTue 25 Oct 2022 - 22:34

Thunderclan Territory

Comfreyheart’s brow furrowed at the kitten’s response. Why did he speak that way? None of the other kits she knew spoke in such a jumbled sentence. Perhaps it was one of the unique qualities of this little guy.

Once far enough that she could no longer smell the dark rock path, she ever so gently set the tom-kit down in a pile of red-orange leaves. She began sniffing his scratches and wondered if she should bring the kit to Fawnshine. “Are you positive no one is looking for you? Absolutely sure?” Once again before he answered she leaned down to groom the kitten’s messy fur. Perhaps if he was calmer he’d speak clearly.


- Plotting | Chart | Profiles -

SkC T1 Warrior
30 HP / 80 SP
WC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SkC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
T1 Rogue
20 HP / 60 SP
TC Kitten
10 HP / 30 SP

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Characters : Sleepyhollow | Echosong | Foxtrot | Fawneye | Stagpaw | Weaver
Clan/Rank : WC |TC | SkC | RC | SC
Aries Dragon
Number of posts : 682
Gender : she/her
Age : 24

Birds of a feather ; private Empty
PostSubject: Re: Birds of a feather ; private   Birds of a feather ; private EmptyWed 26 Oct 2022 - 13:29

ooc: no worries on the late response! I just moved so I’m barely finding time to respond here myself

The further away they got from the noise of the road, the more regulated his breathing became. His body went limp under Comfrey’s maw and soft rocking as she padded away from the road nearly lulled him to sleep. Well, he would fall asleep, if it weren’t for the aggravating feeling of being covered in paint.  Echokit looked down at his multi-colored, feather-covered body and he giggled thinking about how ridiculous he must look. Suddenly a shiver ran through him as a wind ruffled what fur he had uncovered. What he wouldn’t give to be in a warm nest. But the soft pile of leaves was comforting enough. Better than the Thunderpath that’s for sure.

 The kitten’s eyes met Comfreyheart’s and he shook his head, “Absolutely sure.” He repeated. No one would look for him if they dumped him on the Thunderpath. A purr rumbled deep in his throat as Comfrey groomed him. The paint stuck to him like sap making him feel restricted. As it flaked off with movement and washing he could feel himself begin to be more calm and able to think clearly. Finally the goo would be gone! He had no words in his current vernacular to describe what this monster sludge was. He was just sick and tired of it.
name. kiikko timezone. PST discord. anni#3655 code.kiikko
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Characters : Comfreyheart, Ploverwing, Marigoldpaw, Fernpaw, Hornetpaw, Maggot, Mushroomkit
Clan/Rank : [C] Thunderclan T5 Permaqueen [P] Skyclan T1 Warrior [M] Windclan Apprentice [F] Shadowclan Apprentice [H] Skyclan Apprentice [Mg] Outsider Kitten [Mu] Thunderclan Kitten
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 1445
Gender : he/him
Age : 15

Birds of a feather ; private Empty
PostSubject: Re: Birds of a feather ; private   Birds of a feather ; private EmptyThu 27 Oct 2022 - 20:44

Thunderclan Territory

Comfreyheart pawed the flakey paint off her tongue. She surely wouldn't want to ingest any of that. After spitting out feathers as well she softly purred to the kit, “Well, maybe I can bring you to my home then? It will be much safer there, promise.” The molly began to wonder if he had accidentally eaten any of the paint, or if it had gotten in his scratches? Now anxious, Comfreyheart gently grasped the kitten by his scruff, deciding to have her sister check him over right away. And in the meantime she could discuss with Mottlestar. With no clan or parents around, surely he could stay right? she hoped, already feeling some sort of responsibility for the poor abandoned kitten.

[OOC: I'll set up an open topic in Thunderclan Camp within the next few days :D]


- Plotting | Chart | Profiles -

SkC T1 Warrior
30 HP / 80 SP
WC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SkC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
T1 Rogue
20 HP / 60 SP
TC Kitten
10 HP / 30 SP

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Characters : Sleepyhollow | Echosong | Foxtrot | Fawneye | Stagpaw | Weaver
Clan/Rank : WC |TC | SkC | RC | SC
Aries Dragon
Number of posts : 682
Gender : she/her
Age : 24

Birds of a feather ; private Empty
PostSubject: Re: Birds of a feather ; private   Birds of a feather ; private EmptyFri 28 Oct 2022 - 0:17

ooc: tysm! also pings are great! I wont be able to get on wcc again until Sunday night so no rush on the topic c:

The kitten nodded his head, "Your home." He repeated as he let himself be lifted into the air once again. Where he was being taken he wasn't sure but he had a feeling Comfrey would explain everything and he relaxed at the thought. He flicked his big ears as they walked, listening to the sounds of the forest. Everything was so unfamiliar to him, his paw pads were still soft and void of callouses. When he grew older they may grow into tough rough pads to protect him from the first floor and any other ground he may travel. Knowing how devoted he already was to Comfrey there was little to no possibility he would want to travel further than Fourtrees in the future. And even that may be difficult for him.
name. kiikko timezone. PST discord. anni#3655 code.kiikko
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Birds of a feather ; private Empty
PostSubject: Re: Birds of a feather ; private   Birds of a feather ; private Empty

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